Advanced Wellness & Rehab

2020 N Tyler Rd, Suite 112, Wichita, KS 67212

Let Advanced Wellness & Rehab Treat Your Chronic Pain Disorders in Wichita, KS

At Advanced Wellness & Rehab, we treat a variety of chronic pain disorders. From Fibromyalgia pain to chronic migraines, you are always in good hands. Don’t suffer; get the pain relief you need. Contact us now at (316) 942-5335!

Chronic Pain Relief

Over 70 million Americans suffer from chronic pain conditions that persist for more than three months. This chronic pain may be caused by an ongoing mechanism such as arthritis, sciatic nerve pain, an injury, or another ongoing process. Our doctors are well-trained in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic muscle and nerve pain problems.

Chronic pain can develop from a traumatic injury, infection, or an ongoing cause of pain. Since physical function is limited with chronic pain, people can become inactive, which can lead to a loss of strength and further physical atrophy. This can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and anger. These feelings, in turn, can lead to a sense of suffering and disability, which can lead to even more inactivity and eventually lead to disconnection from society.

At Advanced Wellness & Rehab, we understand the complex relationship between mind and body associated with chronic pain and address both aspects of the condition. 

Our mission is to educate and empower individuals with chronic pain to move beyond pain management to regain control over their pain and their lives.

We are passionate about helping patients restore function for their daily activities and reclaim an active and productive lifestyle. Here are some of the more common conditions of chronic pain that we treat:

  • Migraines and Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis / Osteoarthritis
  • Tmj Pain
  • Muscle and Joint
  • Myofascial Pain

If you are suffering from chronic pain, please get in touch with our clinic. Our team of medical professionals will help diagnose the source of your pain. We will then develop a pain management program specifically for your pain condition. Advanced Wellness & Rehab works closely to provide quality care for those suffering from chronic pain.


Conditions of arthritis can make even the simplest tasks into painful burdens. You do not have to suffer. We provide Innovative pain management treatments, giving you lasting pain relief & the ability to lead an everyday life.

  • Arthritis Pain Relief

    Do you feel pain and stiffness in your body or have trouble moving around? You may have arthritis. Arthritis causes inflammation and swelling in the joints of your body. If the swollen joints are not appropriately treated, they can suffer nerve damage.

    The main symptoms of arthritis are stiffness and joint pain. As you get older, these symptoms will worsen with time. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis results from deterioration of the cartilage between the ends of bones. It is mainly caused by everyday wear and tear on the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by swelling of the joint lining.

    At Advanced Wellness & Rehab, our medical professionals offer the most current methods to diagnose, medicate, and non-surgically treat joint conditions. Whole-person therapies are available to complement traditional care methods. All of our treatment programs keep abreast of the latest findings in arthritis research.

  • Arthritis Treatment

    At Advanced Wellness & Rehab, we determine the factors of your arthritis condition and create a personalized treatment program to help relieve your pain and gain mobility. People living with arthritis often avoid joint movement because of the pain. We will work with you to reduce joint stiffness without damaging your joints. We provide treatment to help you develop the strength to perform daily pain-free activities.

    Treatment of arthritis focuses on decreasing pain and improving joint movement and may include:

    • Exercises to Keep Joints Flexible and Improve Muscle Strength.
    • Heat/cold Therapy for Temporary Pain Relief.
    • Joint Protection Braces and Support to Prevent Strain or Stress on Painful Joints.
    • Weight Reduction to Prevent Extra Stress on Weight-bearing Joints.
  • What Causes Arthritis?

    Arthritis is caused by the wear-and-tear damage to your joint’s cartilage — the hard, slick coating on the ends of bones. Enough damage can result in bone grinding directly on the bone, which causes pain and restricted movement. This wear and tear can occur over many years, or a joint injury or infection can hasten it.

    If you are suffering from arthritis pain and unsure of what to do, give us a call. We are here to help. We can set up an initial consultation to help identify your pain and begin treatment to help you have a better life.


Our fibromyalgia treatments are specialized treatments that offer overall benefits to nutrition, exercise, general health, pain, and coping with fatigue. Our team helps you manage fibromyalgia instead of letting fibromyalgia control you!

  • Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

    Fibromyalgia is a complex condition to live with. Fibromyalgia results in pain throughout your entire body; every little touch aches. Symptoms of Fibromyalgia include widespread muscle and joint pain, fatigue, loss of sleep, issues with memory, and trouble with moods. Fibromyalgia has been known to heighten the body’s sensations as it is changing how the brain processes pain.

    At Advanced Wellness & Rehab, we treat various pain-related conditions to help our patients cope with their symptoms.

  • Treatments for Fibromyalgia at Advanced Wellness & Rehab

    • Exercise and Fitness Program.
    • Stress-relief Methods, Light Massage and Relaxation Techniques.
  • Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia pain is often described as a dull ache in the muscles all over the body. People living with fibromyalgia can experience these dull aches or pains easily. A touch, a grab of the arm, or even bumping into something can be excruciating for a person who has fibromyalgia. Patients with fibromyalgia also have tender points on their body where they feel intense pain. These points are in the neck, shoulders, upper chest, hips, elbows, and knees.

    Pain may worsen with activity, cold or damp weather, anxiety, and stress. Fatigue, depressed mood, and sleep problems often occur with fibromyalgia. Many people say that they can’t get to sleep or stay asleep, and they feel tired when they wake up. Fibromyalgia is most common among women ages 20 to 50.

  • Causes of Fibromyalgia

    Most researchers believe fibromyalgia is developed from intense trauma to the patient’s body. Fibromyalgia can also appear from significant emotional trauma; many sufferers of post-traumatic stress have also shown a link with fibromyalgia. It has been shown that genetics may have some role in the development of fibromyalgia in some cases as well; specific genetic mutations can make individuals more receptive to the condition.

  • Possible Causes or Triggers of Fibromyalgia:

    • Physical or Emotional Trauma
    • Abnormal Pain Response (Areas in the Brain That Control Pain May React Differently in People With Fibromyalgia.)
    • Sleep Disturbances
    • Infection or Virus

If you are suffering from fibromyalgia pain, please do not hesitate to call advanced wellness & rehab.

Muscle Pain Relief

Our dedicated team of pain management specialists will help uncover the cause of your pain. Once you understand the cause of your pain, proper treatment and healing can begin.

  • Relief for Muscle Pain

    Muscle pain is one of the most common forms of pain to experience. Muscle pain can stem from repetitive movement during work or a task, overuse of a muscle group in a hard workout, or a severe injury from impact or intense strain.

  • Treatments for Chronic Muscle Pain at Advanced Wellness & Rehab

    One of our muscle and joint pain specialists will do a comprehensive evaluation to determine your diagnosis and treatment options for your muscle pain. Our specialists may advise you on actions to reduce pain, including lifestyle changes that can help better your muscle pain condition and control long-term health.

  • Depending on Your Specific Muscle Pain Condition, the Treatments May Include:

    • Chiropractic Adjustments
    • Behavioral Therapy
    • Therapeutic Massage
  • Causes of Muscle Pain

    Muscle contains soft tissue that can be prone to injury. Muscle pain and muscle soreness can range from a slight pain, such as a tender muscle or stiff neck, to a more severe chronic pain, such as a strain, pull, or tear. Muscle pain is often due to excessive tension, stress, overuse, or injuries. Muscle pain usually is specific to one area of the body. Systemic muscle pain is pain felt throughout the entire body. Systemic muscle pain is often due to an infection, sickness, or reaction to a certain type of medication. It is crucial to identify the difference between the two types of pain so that proper treatment can be administered.

    Below, we provide some of the leading causes of muscle pain:

    DELAYED-ONSET MUSCLE SORENESS (DOMS) – Pain and stiffness from strenuous exercise.

    MUSCLE CRAMP – Sudden contraction of muscles (for example, a calf cramp).

    MUSCLE STRAIN / PULL – Hypertension of muscle fibers causing pain.

    REPETITIVE MOVEMENT STRAIN – Over fatigued Muscle.

    SPRAIN – Stretching or tearing of a ligament.

  • Some Common Causes of Systemic Muscle Pain Are:

    FIBROMYALGIA – Disorder of widespread musculoskeletal pain.

    FLU – Viral infection.

    LUPUS – Long-term inflammatory disease.

    RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS – Chronic inflammatory disease that affects small joints in the hands and feet.

    CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME – Extreme fatigue disorder made worse by physical or mental activity.

    MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME – Chronic pain disorder where trigger points in the muscles cause pain in unrelated parts of the body.

If you are suffering from muscle pain, please give us a call. We can set up a consultation to help identify the cause of your pain and get you on track to living a pain-free life.

Migraine & Headache Relief

If you need a headache or migraine specialist, look no further than Advanced Wellness & Rehab. No matter what, our doctors will work hard to find the source of your discomfort.

  • Migraine and Headache Types

    There are many kinds of headaches, and the causes and symptoms of each can vary. Tension headaches are the most frequent headache usually caused by muscle tension. Another common headache, a migraine, affects over 10 percent of the population. Uncommon types include cluster headaches, trigeminal neuralgia headaches, and hemicrania continua. The pain encountered from a headache can range from a dull ache to an utterly intolerable experience.

  • Why Do We Experience Headaches and Migraines?

    Several reasons may cause headache pain, but there are a few commonly known factors that may generate a headache: anxiety or stress, skipped meals, alcohol use, eye strain, lack of sleep, and exposure to smoke and drug withdrawal. Migraine pain can appear as an outcome of eating certain foods, including those containing MSG, chocolate, and dairy products.

    Migraine symptoms differ from person to person, but they’re commonly accompanied by severe pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. Other symptoms of migraines incorporate dull to harsh throbbing near the back of the head, difficulty concentrating, blurred vision, and numbing or tingling sensations. Some patients even experience fierce neck pain accompanying their migraine attacks. Migraine symptoms can last anywhere between a few hours to a few days.

If you need a headache or migraine specialist, look no further than Advanced Wellness & Rehab. No matter what, our medical professionals will work hard to find the source of your discomfort.

TMJ Pain - Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, Pain, Symptoms & Treatments:

  • Pain in the Jaw, Near the Joint
  • Popping/clicking of the Jaw
  • Ear Pain-ringing or Popping Sounds
  • Headaches/blurred Vision
  • Tight or Sore Jaw/neck Muscles
  • TMJ Chiropractor in Wichita

    Does your jaw click, pop, or lock when you open your mouth wide? Do you have pain in your jaw hinge or what feels like a toothache when your dentist says your teeth are fine? Do you grind your teeth while you sleep? These and other symptoms could be a sign of temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ. If left untreated, TMJ disorder can get moderately worse and cause increasing discomfort. Luckily, you have options for treating this complex condition, including a natural way to adjust your bones and relax your muscles. If you seek a Wichita TMJ treatment that does not involve surgery or extensive dental work, our chiropractic treatments can help.

  • TMJ Disorder

    The temporomandibular joint joins each side of your jawbone to the skull through an arrangement of ligaments, nerves, cartilage, and muscles. The joint allows for both side-to-side and back-to-front movements, but several elements can agitate its proper alignment. In some cases, an abrupt jolt or head trauma — including the strain of holding your mouth open in the dentist’s chair — can dislocate the joint. In other situations, the pain can arise from more faint roots ranging from spinal misalignments to congenital conditions. It may seem strange that a spinal misalignment could cause pain in your jaw; however, your spine regulates nerve signals for your entire body. Even a minor misalignment in your neck or back can generate nerve pressure and muscle strain in your jaw.

    The issues caused by this disorder can broaden far beyond simple jaw pain. The distressed nerves also distribute to other parts of your face and head so that you may experience headaches, earaches, dizziness, throat pain, eye problems, and more. Your quality of life could continue to decline unless you do something about the pain. And that is where our qualified medical professionals at Advanced Wellness & Rehab step in.

  • Chiropractic Treatment Options for TMJ Pain

    Our certified chiropractors can identify any tension or spinal misalignments in muscular “trigger points” that may provoke your painful condition. We will perform a series of precise chiropractic adjustments to shift your misaligned bones while relaxing the supporting muscles and releasing the impinged nerves. We can use massage-like techniques on your tense muscles that encourage your jaw to clench. Occasional upkeep treatments can then help you keep the condition under control. We will even recommend lifestyle changes that can help you reduce your stress levels since stress is a significant factor in TMJ disorders.

TMJ conditions can be painful when the jaw disc erodes over time or moves out of its proper place. It is essential to treat TMJ early before long-term pain conditions develop. Call today or request an appointment online.

Myofascial Pain

Our board-certified pain management doctors can accurately diagnose your myofascial pain syndrome if it is the source of your muscle pain and help you get relief through non-surgical treatments. We aim for pain relief, not just pain management.

  • A Painful Condition Affecting Muscles

    Myofascial comes from “myo,” which means muscle, and “fascia,” the connective tissue that covers and intertwines with muscle. Myofascial pain syndrome is chronic pain that centers around sensitive points in your muscles called trigger points. The trigger points in your muscles can be painful when touched, and the pain can advance throughout the entire muscle.

    While many people may experience occasional muscle pain, the pain generally goes away within a few days. Sufferers of myofascial pain syndrome have muscle pain that remains or worsens over time.

    It is more common for women and those with sedentary lifestyles between the ages of 20-40 to develop MPS. The following conditions can create Myofascial pain syndrome:

    • Musculoskeletal Tissue Damage
    • Herniated Discs
    • Heavy Lifting
    • Overuse of Unconditioned Muscles
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Nutritional Deficiencies
    • Severe Medical Conditions- Heart Attack, Gall Bladder Problems or Stomach Irritation
    • Prolonged Exposure to Cold
    • Hormonal Changes

    Treatment of myofascial pain can be dependent on a patient’s level of health or severity of injury. Options for myofascial pain syndrome treatment may include trigger point therapy, therapeutic massage, spinal decompression, and chiropractic care.

Schedule Your Consultation With Us Today by Calling (316) 942-5335. We Can Help You Get a Handle on Your Chronic Pain!

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